I’m trying to build first test process. Simple one. Few tasks - approval process.
So I build diagram. In flows (transition) from exclusive gateway I set expressions:
Expressions should look like that? But this generates error when I send it to server from menu “Start process instance…”:
Missing attribute 'scriptFormat' for 'script' element | resource akceptacja-faktur.bpmn | line 52 | column 29 [ deploy-error ]
Cannot instantiate process definition approval-process:1:177f05f0-8a96-11eb-9797-049226bdb658: Unknown property used in expression: #{something==xyz'}. Cause: Cannot resolve identifier 'something' [ start-instance-error ]
? Flows must have some rules - ABC of BPMN. This is probably something with variables but we have here vicious circle - no way to define variables in modeler so how to send process without variables when they are needed? Send from Modeler not with ‘scripts’.
Other questions:
Tasks need some info about person who completed them, date and so on. So I can send anything I want with REST at any moment this information? I do not have to define them earlier?
How can I create service task that saves to database some information when it is completed? For instance who made it, when… I know you are script lovers and there’s no menu for that. Do you have some ready to use script that works with MySQL with info how to use it? I could write it in JS, Python, PHP whatever but I hate Java …
Thanks for help