How to send variables to Zeebe during JobWorker execution?

Hi !
Is it possible to send some information (via variables) to Zeebe during JobWorker execution for a long running job ?
For example to fix some milestones executed in JobWorker or to show the progress bar in Web UI.
If Yes, I would be grateful for a code example.

:wave: Hi @volodya327.

You can set variables via the SetVariables RPC: Zeebe API (gRPC) | Camunda Platform 8 Docs

Map<String, Object> variables = new HashMap<>();
final var key = job.getElementInstanceKey(); // can be the process instance key (as obtained during instance creation), or a given element, such as a service task(see elementInstanceKey on the job message)

Or update the variable while completing the job via Complete RPC: Zeebe API (gRPC) | Camunda Platform 8 Docs

Map<String, Object> variables = new HashMap<>();

Hope that helps


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Hi, @lzgabel !
Thanks for your help !