How to setting the multi instance by dynamic in every time into task by Java Api

Hi guys,
It’s my process demo.bpmn (9.8 KB)

Now I have a approve_group
How to use Java API create multiple instance based on group members by dynamic when process go in to approve task every time.

Hi @Leo_Liu

I think you have set the multi instance task attributes properly. except the completion condition that is ambigiuos for me. can you give more detail about the problem?

Hi @mrdavoodi64
Example like this:
Process incident first into the approve Task the approve_group members is {A,B} and complete is fail.
If process incident enter approve Task again but now the approve_group members is {A,B,C}
How can create 3 multi instance by Java?

As I know once the multiinstance task is created, its collection could not be changed at runtime.

Hi @Leo_Liu,

A java list to be used with different set of users assigned on each entering to the task.

Below example shows a java list created called “doctors”