Hi guys,
It’s my process demo.bpmn (9.8 KB)
Now I have a approve_group
How to use Java API create multiple instance based on group members by dynamic when process go in to approve task every time.
Hi guys,
It’s my process demo.bpmn (9.8 KB)
Hi @Leo_Liu
I think you have set the multi instance task attributes properly. except the completion condition that is ambigiuos for me. can you give more detail about the problem?
Hi @mrdavoodi64
Example like this:
Process incident first into the approve Task the approve_group members is {A,B} and complete is fail.
If process incident enter approve Task again but now the approve_group members is {A,B,C}
How can create 3 multi instance by Java?
As I know once the multiinstance task is created, its collection could not be changed at runtime.
Hi @Leo_Liu,
A java list to be used with different set of users assigned on each entering to the task.
Below example shows a java list created called “doctors”