How to show live BPMN Diagram in my Web-app?

Hello Everybody !
Could you tell me, please, how to get and show in Spring Boot Web App live BPMN Diagram for process instance like in “Operate” application ?
It looks like it’s no such service in Operate API (REST) ?

Hi dude!

Are you trying to use the Camunda API Rest?
You can doing some HTTP calling (GET) to …


I don’t quite understand about this, but I hope this might give you some way to do what you need to.

William Robert Alves

Hello @volodya327 ,

the answer consists of two parts:

First, you can fetch the BPMN XML from Operate by using the correct endpoint as described here:

Then, you can use the fetched data and feed it to bpmn-js.

There is an example here:

I hope this helps


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Hello @volodya327, I’ve created a simple nodejs express application to showcase this functionality.
I’d appreciate your feedback :grinning:.

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