How to start process by message name with rest api?

I defind a camunda model like the given image, but i can’t find how to start process by message name with api? I think the rest api " Start Process Instance" can’t satisfy me.
P.S., In camunda, how to find the rest API for java methods?

You can start a process with a message event using the same rest call used to trigger any other message type. You can find it here in the docs.

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thank you! P.S,in camunda, how to find the rest API for java API?

Hi @allenleung86,

What do you mean by REST API for Java API?
I would not look for a REST endpoint that uses a specific Java method. Rather choose a suitable endpoint from the docs.

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I watch some demo online, and the code also is wirtten with java method, so i want to find the fastest way to find the corresponding rest api, cause my company use rest api only.

Hi @allenleung86,

the REST API has a similar structure as the Java API. I think the best way is to understand the goal of the executed Java code (e.g. start an instance of a process definition) and look for a corresponding REST endpoint in the docs (e.g. Rest API -> Process Definition -> Start Process Instance

You can always dig through the code and see which Rest Service calles the Java API method in question.