How to start zeebe without elasticsearch?

Assuming exporters (like elasticsearch) are needed only for operate, optimize and tasklist web apps which are not available for free, we want to deploy zeebe without the default elasticsearch exporter.

  1. Would there be any issues in doing so in production?
  2. If I keep only zeebe in the docker-compose file and start it I still see elasticSearch as the exporter in the effective configuration printed in the zeebe startup logs. How do I start zeebe without elasticsearch?
"exporters" : {
    "elasticsearch" : {
      "jarPath" : null,
      "className" : "io.camunda.zeebe.exporter.ElasticsearchExporter",
      "args" : {
        "bulk" : {
          "size" : "1"
        "url" : "http://elasticsearch:9200"
      "external" : false


  1. No issues.

  2. Take out the exporter environment variables from the docker-compose.


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