How to use dynamic url in rest api connector

Hi, how to use dynamic string interpolation with variables or append, im trying this way:

“http:/my_host…:3000/get_person_id_by_employee_cr_id/” + employee_cr_id
and a million more…

but got this error:
jakarta.validation.ValidationException: Found constraints violated while validating input:

  • Property: url: Validation failed.

Hi @charlieman2, welcome to the forum! I removed your other comment as it’s a duplicate of this post, but it included a screenshot not shared here. It looked like you were using host.docker.internal as the URL, which technically isn’t a valid domain. Without knowing how all your containers are configured and what you’re trying to connect to, I don’t know what the correct domain should be, but I strongly suspect the issue is with using host.docker.internal and not with your FEEL expression or the Connector.

Hi! I’m running camunda with the provided docker compose for testing in my local machine. When using docker, the ‘host.docker.internal’ is just a name so my docker containers can access my localhost network instead of the internal localhost of the container.

I will give more info:

  • If i don’t put the variable in the url, the request is made and my localhost web server receives the requests and answer it.
  • Im using latests versions of all camunda parts
  • The variable is not null, the variable works well when it’s sended in the query params section. So we know that the varible is not null when is received by de rest api connector.
  • The exception is thrown before the request is made.
  • I will upload de other image here so anyone can see it

Hi @charlieman2 !

Here’s some troubleshooting ideas we can try:

  • From the screenshot, it looks like the variable is set as "employee_cr_id " with a space at the end instead of “employee_cr_id”. Could you please double check this?
  • May you please also check Operate to see what the “employee_cr_id” is set to?
  • You mentioned the variable works well when sent in the query params. Could you please share what the query params field looks like when you set the variable there?

Thank you :smile:

It was the space…
Sorry for the dumb question…, and thanks a lot for the help :top:

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