How to use Message Intermediate Throw Event in v8.3?


We have a case where we need to send a message between two processes in a collaboration diagram.

Short descriptions of our case:
We have two processes (A and B) that always comes in pairs, but are not necessarily triggered in the same order. Process B depends on work done by A. B starts by checking if the matching process A is completed. If A is not completed, B subscribes to a message (using a “Message Intermediate Catch Event” node) telling it that the matching instance of process A is done, and it can continue its work. Process A needs to send the matching event when its work is done. This last part is where I am unable to proceed.

I’ve seen a very similar question for earlier versions of camunda here

The above discussion looks like it basically implements what we need, but I have not been able to model the equivalent solution with camunda 8.3. The sample model from the above link uses properties on the “Message intermediate throw event” that are no longer available

  • Implementation->Type was a dropdown, new Task definition → Type is an expression
  • Implementation->Expression (given matching Type) has no equivalent property with the new version.

Could someone point me to a sample/docs of how to do the same with 8.3? (If at all possible)

Have I completely misunderstood the concept of messages?

I see the docs mention that message throw events are basically Service/Send Tasks, but this seems very hard to use. My expectation was that “Message Intermediate Throw Event” would basically be a mirror image to “Message Intermediate Catch Event” in the modeller?

Hi @sindremb,

the post you mentioned is about Camunda 7 and the implementations for sending a message has changed from Camunda 7 to Camunda 8.

Now you have to implement a worker that executes the Zeebe API to publish a message: Zeebe API (gRPC) | Camunda 8 Docs

You can do it in any programming language that has a Zeebe client.

Hope this helps, Ingo

Ok, that is what I suspected, but was hoping otherwise. Good to have that confirmed, will have to look into that approach then. Thanks!

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