I want to have two pools (both simple test example processes) and start the first pool in task list - i want a user task that when it is completed activates the process within the second pool using a message start event.
I cant figure out how to do this - thank you in advance
yes! but how to make that work using the properties
use_case_interprocess_messages.bpmn (7.6 KB)
Hi, thank you that solves half my problem.
Using that example i tried to model a similar process ( see attached ) and have struggled to make it work. I am not a technical person so im not confident in whats happening within the expressions but if the explanation needs to be technical thats fine.
use_case_interprocess_messages_v2.bpmn (11.5 KB)
What is the error?
Can you explain some more of your use case? Why do you want to use messages?
When you are sending your message back to the first process your message name is very generic. If two processes are running, the second process will not know which process to correlate the message to.