How to validate multiple rule inputs in DMN camunda

Assume that I have two inputs (input1, input2), I can define DMN rule condition as follows:

input1 > 10 or input2 <= 10.

However, I would like to define a condition with multiple inputs:

input1 + input2 > 10

How can I do this using DMN?

You can use expressions as input in decision tables. Write


into the column header and

> 10

into the cell below the header.


Thanks a lot. It works for me. My dmn.xml looks like,

   <input id="input1">
        <inputExpression id="LE_1" typeRef="double">   <text>In1</text>
   <input id="input2">
        <inputExpression id="LE_2" typeRef="double">   <text>In2</text>
  <input id="input3">
        <inputExpression id="LE_3" typeRef="double">        