How to view process instances data

Hi there! I have created a process that makes use of external forms in user tasks. How can I view the instances data? Should I use Elasticsearch?
I already took a look at the Postgresql database that Camunda initiated when being set up. I found nothing.
I also deployed Kibana to view my Elasticsearrch instance and I didn’t find anything useful.

Hey there @okaeiz :wave:
I got a ton of questions:

  • Are you really using Camunda Platform 8 or is it rather C7 (C8 does not come with a PostgreSQL database for instance)?
  • Have you checked the Camunda 7 Cockpit / Camunda 8 Operate Tool? All variables are usually accessible from there.

Looking forward hearing back from you!

Hey there!
Yessir. I have indeed set up C8 on-premises. I checked out the PostgreSQL database and found nothing. I checked Operate and I saw that all the process instances are listed there.
What I was looking for was something like Processmaker does. It stores the data into database tables so that the admins can create reports and so on.
Can I do such things here as well?