HTTP Webhook: Unable to process unknown element with name properties [ deploy-error ]


I have Camunda Platform 8 Self-Managed running via Docker Compose

I am trying to deploy a process with Webhook connector template, but I get following deploy error:

Command 'CREATE' rejected with code 'INVALID_ARGUMENT': Expected to deploy new resources, but encountered the following errors:
'WebhookTestProcess1.bpmn': Unable to process unknown element with name properties [ deploy-error ]

Is there something I missed in configuration?

I checked XML of this diagram and it seems, there could be (in my opinion) something with <zeebe:properties>.

	  <zeebe:property name="inbound.type" value="webhook" />
	  <zeebe:property name="inbound.subtype" value="ConfigurableInboundWebhook" />
	  <zeebe:property name="inbound.shouldValidateHmac" value="disabled" />
	  <zeebe:property name="inbound.variableMapping" value="" />
	  <zeebe:property name="inbound.context" value="myWebhookPath" />
