Human Task tutorial: getting '{dinner: source}': no variable found

I’m following the tutorial at:
Getting started with Human Task Orchestration | Camunda Platform 8

After completing the task as described in section “Complete a user task”, no downstream task appears in the TaskList. In Operate, the following appears:

failed to evaluate expression '{dinner: source}': no variable found for name 'source'

The expressions assigned to the exclusive gateway flows are are:

= chicken=true and = salad=true

as directed the the note in the “Implement a form” section.

Hi, @Chuck_Irvine,
I could see that the issue arises in the place where you have given chicken = true and salad = true. Because, as given in the tutorial, Getting started with human task orchestration | Camunda Platform 8 Docs , we are binding the value that the user selects to the variable with key meal.
So, in the exclusive gateway flow, we have to give the conditional expressions with meal = Chicken and meal = Salad, so that the condition evaluates to be true when the apprpriate meal is selected.

Please find the attached BPMN for the working example of the same.
dinner_options.bpmn (8.8 KB)