Hi, I have done simple process with Reusable sub-process but i am not able to use the elements inside it… can anyone help me ?
Can you re-phrase the question?
not sure what you mean when you say " use the elements inside it" to you mean variables or activites?
Hi Niall,
I mean, can i create Call-Activity in BPMN without using CMMN diagram?
You can indeed - you just need to add the Key of the BPMN process you want to call. Provided that the process you’re calling has been deployed to the engine there shouldn’t be a problem
If you have multiple Camunda servers using the same database, there is something to remember when calling any process external to the one making the call. When you deploy the “child” process, you must ensure that any external resources such as script resources or Java classes are distributed to every server or you will get failures.
This is because Camunda servers using a shared database all see the child process as deployed as soon as the it hits the first server. However, external resources won’t be available until they are loaded on the actual server executing the activity. There are settings in the processes.xml file that can prevent a process from executing on any server to which it has not actually been deployed, but this only works the first time around. After that, any new version that contains changes that are not universally compatible with previous versions can cause problems.