hello dear community, I created new user for my process which I modeled with CAMUNDA. the problem is that I cannot connect with these created users. could someone help me please? I am new to modeling bpmn processes
As well as answering the usual camunda setup related questions found in the FAQ, Can you explain exactly how you created the user, what exactly the problem that happens is and also upload your model.
Did you add authorizations to the user you created?
in fact I told myself that after I finished creating the user, I could connect. I tried so but it didn’t happen. and as I am a beginner with camunda, I come to you so that you explain to me what I missed or at least I did wrong.
and speaking of authorization, tell me how it works because I am lost; please
Sure thing -
This should be what you’re looking for. It’ll help you setup the user with access to the webapps.
thank youuuuuuuuuuu NIALL
all are walking now. super camunda is the future because it is just great