In camunda modeler how the concept of reusable sub processes is implemented, best regards
@jcbereb Call activity is to have a reusable process definition that can be called from multiple other process definitions.
Call Activity:
A call activity is used to execute another process definition as part of the current process instance.
The main difference between a sub-process and a call activity is that the call activity does not share context with the process instance. Process variables are explicitly mapped between the process instance and the call activity.
A call activity is visualized as a rounded rectangle with a thick border.
A sub process is a single activity that c…
It’s a good idea to use Call Activities for a number of reasons
It makes the process easier to maintain
The main process is often much easier to read with call activities
Parts of the process may be reusable and they can be abstracted into a different process.
There are a bunch of other reasons but basicallly - using a Call Activity is a good idea.
You can find more interesting topics in this forum related to call activity
Refer this for Multi-instance call activity:
@vemulabujji From your parent process, collect the results as list as you mentioned result list =[“PI”,“DV”,“SI”,“PA”] . After the service task create a multi-instance call activity to start the subprocesses in parallel as per the below model.
lets say your result list variable is subProcessList=[“PI”,“DV”,“SI”,“PA”] and assign a element variable as subProcesskey to loop through the list elements and it will be assigned to the calledElement attribute of call activity. (refer the diagram)
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Hello, here I have elaborated a design for the Strategic Plan Elaboration process, I await your comments to optimize the design with automation objectives, kind regards.