Incident contains no message if retry count is zero


I am using Service task with Java delegate in my BPMN diagram. I do not want any Service tasks to be retried hence I have set “R0/PT10M” in Retry Time Cycle.

What I noticed that after this, any exception thrown from Java Delegate is not shown on the Cockpit. Instead it simply shows:

How can I make sure that exception is shown in Cockpit?

Yogesh Naik

Just wanted to poke my head in and confirm that I’m seeing similar behavior. Both incidents display the exact same stacktrace. I’d like to poke around out of curiosity, see if I can understand why. Seems like a bug…

This is quite interesting.
If you have some time - would you be able to let me know the steps you used to create this problem?

@Niall, put up a quick reproduction to make it easy :crazy_face:

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A bug fix will be provided in 7.15.0: CAM-12769


Thanks a lot for the update @Yana :bug: