Daily Statistics with Camunda

Hi Christopher, Christopher Kujawa, Author at Camunda

I find the content of the blog good because it highlights a very easy way to implement monitoring with Camunda. However, there are a few areas where clarity and wording could be improved for better understanding:

  • The initial paragraphs could explicitly state that in your example, Camunda serves as a system for automating incident reporting rather than generating the incidents themselves. This distinction isn’t immediately clear and requires re-reading to grasp fully. (I had to read the blog twice to actually get the point). Clarifying this point early on would prevent misinterpretation.

  • Without the point above, I was assuming that you were going to explain how to automate the reporting of incidents inside Camunda using Camunda, but actually you wanted to make a more general/broad point, how to automate the reporting of any system that feeds

Overall was good, but as said, the first part was not that clear, enhancing clarity and explicitly stating the focus of the blog, and doing this at the very beginning will improve its effectiveness in transporting the intended message.

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Addendum. I read the original blog in Medium, over there makes more sense. In the Camunda Blog there is a deal of context that requires the clarification I talked about. I suppose the reason is because monitoring and reporting of incidents inside Camunda is indeed a hot topic and this natural expectation played in the blog.

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Hey @g.manzano

thanks for the feedback! I agree that the term “incident” is quite overloaded in the context of Camunda, so this makes totally sense. We will improve the opening thank you :bowing_man:


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We updated the intro a bit. I hope this helps.

Thanks again for your feedback :bowing_man:


I just read it. Love it now. You guys rock !

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