I have the following scenario:
A service task that executes as a java delegate. It reads the variable “serviceIput” and writes (locally) the variable “serviceOutput”
An input and output mapping that looks like this:
<camunda:inputOutput> <camunda:inputParameter name="serviceInput">${someVariable}</camunda:inputParameter> <camunda:outputParameter name="result">${serviceOutput}</camunda:outputParameter> </camunda:inputOutput>
- A timer boundary event with duration PT10S to stop the service execution after 10 seconds.
My problem is that when the timer boundary is triggered, I get an incident with message:
Unknown property used in expression: ${serviceOutput}. Cause: Cannot resolve identifier ‘serviceOutput’
My guess is that the process engine is trying to execute the input/output mapping before moving to the next activity, and since the delegate hasn’t run, there is no serviceOutput variable set yet. How can I get arround this behavior to set a timeout on service tasks with input/output mappings?