Installing Camunda Platform 8 on Raspberry Pi (ARM)

Hi everyone, I am trying to setup a small camunda lab for some students on a Raspberry Pi 4.

I had managed to get it running on Raspberry Pi 4 (which is an ARM CPU) with Camunda Platform 7 using these commands:

git clone
cd docker-camunda-bpm-platform
docker build --platform=linux/arm64 -t camunda/camunda-bpm-platform:run-latest .
docker run -d --name camunda -p 8080:8080 camunda/camunda-bpm-platform:run-latest

But I am a little clueless as to what is the best way to do this for Camunda Platform 8. I understand there’s a docker-compose yaml file, but so far I could not figure out how to build for ARM and get the docker-compose file to use what I built.

I can’t even get Zebee to build using docker build actually somehow, I get the error “/tmp/zeebe.tar.gz: Cannot read: Is a directory”. Maybe I am going at this all wrong though and there’s a simpler way?

The main reason I want to try Camunda Platform 8 is the web modeler.

Hey @cxu

thanks for reaching out.

Zeebe currently doesn’t provide an ARM docker image, see the related issue Adding arm/multiarch Docker images · Issue #6155 · camunda/zeebe · GitHub. But maybe the instructions in the issue helps you.

Regarding running Camunda Platform 8, on a Raspberry PI. Be aware that Camunda Platform 8 consist of multiple components. Do you want to run all of it or just Zeebe? If you want everything it probably makes sense to use one PI for each, otherwise I guess the resources will not be enough.


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Hi @cxu,

The web modeler is only available in Camunda Platform 8 SaaS at this stage, so you won’t get it running on self-hosted.

For ARM images of Zeebe, see here: Adding arm/multiarch Docker images · Issue #6155 · camunda/zeebe · GitHub and here: GitHub - camunda-community-hub/zeebe-docker-multiarch: Building the Zeebe Docker Images as multiarch images


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