Instantiate process on camunda platform 8

I’m new to camunda, I have a beginner’s question.
Camunda Platform 8 self-management only has the following components:
Task list
Key cover
In none of them I can create users or even instantiate a process, something that was very simple to do on Camunda platform 7
Does anyone know how I can create users and instantiate processes from camunda platform 8? - GitHub - camunda/camunda-platform: Links to Camunda Platform 8 resources, releases, and local development config

Hello @Domingos_Dias, welcome to the forums!

Creating users in Camunda Self-managed is done through Keycloak. You can find that in our docs on this page, but it ultimately links to Keycloak’s documentation here: Server Administration Guide

To start a process, you can either run a process from Modeler, or use Zeebe’s API to start an already deployed process. And for the API, we have several clients that can be used (a CLI tool, several official libraries, and many more community supported libraries - all can be found in our documentation!)