Instantiate tenant specific DMN for tenant identifier shared definition


I am creating tenant specific instance for deployed shared definition, and have DMN rules in the same shared workflow. The instance get created with shared DMN rules.

I have the requirement to instantiate tenant Specific DMN when creating tenant Instance for shared definition.

Kindly provide any reference if feasible.


Hi @Karandeep_Singh,

if the decision is called via business rule task from a process instance with a tenant identifier then the tenant identifier is passed to the historic decision instance. See the user guide for details.

Does this help you?

Best regards,

HI @Philipp_Ossler,

From TenantIdProvider, tenantId get returned to historic decision instance. But the decision instance is created for the shared DMN deployment and assign tenantId to that instance.
We have to load tenant DMN definition instead of shared DMN definition, will the same possible through any approach.

Thank you for your prompt response.

Hi @Karandeep_Singh,

if you want to invoke a tenant specific decision definition from a shared process definition then you have to set the tenant identifier explicit on the business rule task. For example:

<businessRuleTask id="businessRuleTask" decisionRef="myDecision"
  camunda:decisionRefTenantId="${ execution.tenantId }">

Does this help you?

Best regards,

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HI @Philipp_Ossler,

Yes, tried this approach. It works for me. Getting the tenant DMN rule, for tenant identifier shared definition.
