Integrating Camunda Modeler in a Web Interface

Hello !

I was wondering if there is a way to integrate the camunda modeler in a web interface. Or are there any equivalent that support the full capabilities of the camunda modeler.

Thank you

We kind of already have the Camunda Modeler in a web interface - It’s called Cawemo! :slight_smile: you’ll find it here:

If you’re interested in doing it yourself check out the underlying technologies of the modeler.

Hello Nial thank you for the quick reply!

I already know about cawemo but Im not sure it supports stuff like properties on tasks or forms or DMN tables etc…

It supports DMN modeling, but it’s designed primarily as a tool for collaboration and avoids features that develops use in the desktop modeler for making processes executable e.g. the properties panel.

yeah that’s what I thought… is there a way that you know of that I can integrate the modeler with its full capabilities somewhere ?

Thank you

Hi @maroun_ayle,

Below is a really amazing camunda web modeler developed by []

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Thats a great suggestion form @hassang

Thanks guys, I managed to get what I want using bpmn io examples repo. Thank you

Nice to hear! Do you mind sharing it? Always keen to see what people are building with our toolkit :slight_smile:

Yes of course, we wanted something very close to the camunda modeler, with everything related to camunda specific properties and extensions (the properties panel).

I found the example already done in a node application on the following repo:

bpmn-js-examples/properties-panel at master · bpmn-io/bpmn-js-examples · GitHub

Nice! Did you already hear from camunda-bpmn-js? It was built for exactly that purpose, to make it easier to use the Camunda Modeler experience (for example on top of the Camunda Platform). That could also be an option, although you already find something to work :+1:

It’s a rather new project, so if you want to try it out, we would love to hear your feedback!

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