Hello, world.
I have two cases that puzzle me:
How can I start process in another Camunda from service task of another Camunda?
After starting process in 1, I have to wait this external process ending in next task.
Main idea: the process is going on on Camunda A. The first task starts the process on Camunda B and moves on to the next task. Second task just stands and waits until it receives a message from the B (message that the whole running process on B has ended). After that, the task on Camunda A ends and the next tasks begin on A.
I’m just trying to implement some kind of orchestration of orchestrators)
How can I implement such behavior? Okay, probably for the first point, I can just use REST API (I.e A just http-client for B in this case). But second point is hard for me to understand. Please, give me advice.
PS: how properly work with exceptions on B at the A-side? Any ideas.
Thank you in advance!