io.camunda.zeebe.client.api.command.ClientStatusException: Expected to execute the command on one of the partitions, but all failed; there are no more partitions available to retry. Please try again. If the error persists contact your zeebe operator

io.camunda.zeebe.client.api.command.ClientStatusException: Expected to execute the command on one of the partitions, but all failed; there are no more partitions available to retry. Please try again. If the error persists contact your zeebe operator
at io.camunda.zeebe.client.impl.ZeebeClientFutureImpl.transformExecutionException(
at io.camunda.zeebe.client.impl.ZeebeClientFutureImpl.join(

Caused by: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException: RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED: Expected to execute the command on one of the partitions, but all failed; there are no more partitions available to retry. Please try again. If the error persists contact your zeebe operator
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.reportGet(
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.get(
at io.camunda.zeebe.client.impl.ZeebeClientFutureImpl.join(
… 74 common frames omitted
Caused by: io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException: RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED: Expected to execute the command on one of the partitions, but all failed; there are no more partitions available to retry. Please try again. If the error persists contact your zeebe operator
at io.grpc.Status.asRuntimeException(
at io.grpc.stub.ClientCalls$StreamObserverToCallListenerAdapter.onClose(
at io.grpc.internal.ClientCallImpl.closeObserver(
at io.grpc.internal.ClientCallImpl.access$500(
at io.grpc.internal.ClientCallImpl$ClientStreamListenerImpl.close(
at io.grpc.internal.ClientCallImpl$ClientStreamListenerImpl.access$900(
at io.grpc.internal.ClientCallImpl$ClientStreamListenerImpl$1StreamClosed.runInternal(
at io.grpc.internal.ClientCallImpl$ClientStreamListenerImpl$1StreamClosed.runInContext(
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
… 1 common frames omitted

This error message appears from time to time, what is the reason, the disk space is sufficient。

Hi @bugbugmaker,

your are experiencing backpressure here: Internal processing | Camunda Platform 8

You could either handle it in the client and make them wait until the burst load is executed or tune your parameters: Backpressure | Camunda Platform 8

Hope this helps, Ingo