Is it possible to define error code in XML file(Camunda Modeler)?

Is it possible to define error code in XML file(Camunda Modeler)? We have a simple process where we want to invoke a boundary error. Can this be done in the Camunda Modeler? Please see the screenshot below.

Hi @Haminou_M,

it is possible to define an error code in the XML file via the Camunda Modeler. The screenshot shows the right part of the Properties Panel.

You can find more details to error code in our documentation:


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@Haminou_M your Error Code Value needs to be a actual value / string, and throw the business error with that error code. take a look at:

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Thanks this helped a lot! Is it possible to do same without a script task beforehand like described in medium post? Similar to the error code marked in my initial post.

You have to throw the error code: so either that is with a script/or delegate somewhere(could be on a listener) or as a end event.