Is it possible to expose the rest API's of camunda(rest-engine) for a camuda embedded quarkus application

Hi Team,
We recently migrated our services from spring-boot to quarkus, after migrating to quarkus we are facing some issues, we are using only this dependency

implementation 'org.camunda.bpm.quarkus:camunda-bpm-quarkus-engine:7.21.0-alpha3'

Compared to spring-boot there are so many limitations, one of those is engine-rest API’s of camunda, engine-rest API’s are not available for this application, how can we enable or get those API’s to be exposed.

The main reason for this we want to use external task workers for executing the service tasks instead of java delegates, so for that the external task client should be able to fetch and lock the tasks from the camunda engine, so we need those API’s to be available, what can be done for this?

Any inputs are welcome :slight_smile:


To expose the REST APIs of Camunda (rest-engine) in a Quarkus application, you will need to include the Camunda Engine REST dependency in your project. This can be done by adding the camunda-bpm-quarkus-engine extension which pre-configures the Camunda process engine for Quarkus applications.

Here’s a general approach to enable the REST APIs:

Add the Camunda Engine REST dependency to your pom.xml or build.gradle file. For Maven, it would look like this:


For Gradle, you would add:

implementation 'org.camunda.bpm:camunda-engine-rest:7.21.0:classes'

Configure your application to expose the REST API. This typically involves setting up the necessary REST controllers and configuring the security to allow access to the API endpoints.

Ensure that your Quarkus application is properly configured to deploy the process engine and expose the REST endpoints. The Camunda Quarkus extension documentation provides guidance on setting up and configuring the process engine within a Quarkus application.

I hope the information may helps you.