Is it possible to have a BPMN diagram that links to a DMN?


Shouldn’t it be possible to link a “biz rule task” on a BPMN model to a DMN diagram?

Would that even make sense within the context of the Camunda modeler?

Thanks for the clarification. :slight_smile: :point_up_2:

What do you mean by link? In the modeler, if you have a business rule task, in the properties panel you can set the implementation to DMN such that you are effectively linking the runtime to a DMN model. I am not aware of a capability in the modeler to drill into a business rule task to navigate to the linked DMN model. It could be a candidate for a feature request…



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Hey Rob,

Thanks for sharing your insights :slight_smile:.

I’m using the Camunda Modeler to create BPMN Level 2 models.

When we are presenting the models to customers for approval, it would be amazing if the modeler would allow to click through the business rule task to the corresponding DMN diagram.

Thanks :thumbsup: