Is there a way to use only the services but not the engine in camunda 7?

We currently have a Spring Starter Camunda project running but need to provide some metrics around process count and how things are faring inside the process engine itself, due to architectural reasons we’re planning to feed this into Datadog with the use of a periodic job that runs every few minutes, se we’d like this version of our application to be considerably more lightweight than the one that actually executes the processes and tasks, I’ve got two questions:

Number one:
Is there a way to run the spring starter without actually creating the camunda engine beans? We’re only interested in using the HistoryService and, maybe, the RuntimeService

Number two (not related to the question itself):
Is this really the best way to collect metrics related to processes? We need metrics related to how long a process has been in an activity (on average) and the counts of processes in specific activities, is there any other approach that the community thinks is worth opening a second topic to discuss?

Hi @icaro.perez,

Not really. But if you disable the job executor in the spring boot application build from camunda-bpm-spring-boot-starter-rest, you will get an API that is ready to respond to requests based on database content.

The art of querying and reporting is to get the new data with a minimal impact on the database load. We have created Camunda Optimize to offer reporting with many aspects around your processes: We've moved! | It’s included in our enterprise offering.

Hope this helps, Ingo

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