If I remember correctly, it’s recommended to run the Camunda 8 Helm Charts on Clusters with at least three nodes.
Besides this, you may check the logs of the pods and the applications to get additional information on the error/problem that is preventing the start up.
Also on my cloud console, under Workloads-> Deployment I can see “camunda8-zeebe-gateway”, “camunda8-tasklist”, “camunda8-optimeze”, “camunda8-operate” & “camunda8-identity” status is runnig.
Then why all the pods are not in running state?
If there is any issue with the pod status as Pending then please let me know the procedure to troubleshoot.
As pointed out by @jwulf, this issue may be caused by insufficient resources.
To trouble shoot the issue, you can use kubectl describe pods <name_of_your_pending_pod>. You should find messages from the scheduler.
For pods that are running but not ready, you may look in the applications’ logs (i.e., the log of keycloak).