We are trying to list all process instance history in a time line but the REST API has several different methods.
It’s possible to get all the history for one process instance in one call?
Hi @mac-git-79
you might be looking for
https://docs.camunda.org/manual/7.8/reference/rest/history/activity-instance/get-activity-instance-query/? processInstanceId=[yourprocessinstanceid]
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We ended up using CompositeDbHistoryEventHandler. Created a service to filter some off the engine events and save the data in a custom table.
public class BaseEngineConfiguration {
public HistoryEventHandler customHistoryEventHandler(@Lazy MyService tms) {
CompositeDbHistoryEventHandler ceh = new CompositeDbHistoryEventHandler();
ceh.add(new CustomEventHandler(tms));
return ceh;