Camunda Modeler is downloaded and it functioning.
Camunda Platform, jBosss AS 7 is downloaded, unzipped, but when opening startup.bat I have got a message:
Windows cannot find 'startup.bat`, make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try it again.
Given: If the page does not open, go to http://localhost:8080/camunda-welcome/index.html.
Received message:
Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at localhost:8080.
It would of course make sense that you can’t reach the camunda welcome page if the startup failed.
How exactly are you running startup.bat - double clicking on the file or from the command line?
Double clicking onthe file.
Actually, I don`t know what command I must write in the command line?
Of course, I cannot get access to Camunda welcome page!
Try to extract form: start-camunda.bat
Seems without spaces and special characters.
I downloaded camunda-bpm-tomacat 7.6.0. and camunda-bpm-tomcat 7.2.0., but the same, cannot get access to?