I am modeling a BPMN that calls a decision rule task via REST and when I try to send the parameter in the payload variable, Camunda return an error message that the parameter is unrecognized, how can I pass these kind of parameter to have the right structure in the Json file?
It seems that it is missing the double quotes…
Json(payload variable):
{"variables": {"STR_Campanha" : {"value" : #{STR_Campanha} , "type": "String"}, "COD_IndexadorProposta" : {"value" : #{COD_IndexadorProposta} , "type": "String"} } }
Error message:
{"type":"JsonMappingException","message":"Unrecognized token 'LEILAO_FUNCIONARIO_2016': was expecting ('true', 'false' or 'null')\n at [Source: org.camunda.bpm.engine.rest.filter.EmptyBodyFilter$1$1@5b404b4b; line: 2, column: 59]\n at [Source: org.camunda.bpm.engine.rest.filter.EmptyBodyFilter$1$1@5b404b4b; line: 2, column: 24] (through reference chain: org.camunda.bpm.engine.rest.dto.dmn.EvaluateDecisionDto[\"variables\"])"}