JupyterLab BPMN rendering extension

I’ve been developing and maintaining simple BPMN-rendering plugin for JupyterLab jupyterlab-bpmn · PyPI

It’s main feature is simply to use bpmn-js to render data submitted with mime type application/bpmn+xml and also persist the resulting SVG into saved notebook for static rendering.

Optionally, it supports some custom configuration and annotation passed along with mime type application/bpmn+json (misusing a custom mime type felt more proper than just passing possibly a lot of data as display metadata). I mostly copied code from my old cockpit history plugin, so all possible issues from there remain :angel:

Example notebook at Binder.

This week I managed to include static rendering support also for annotations. That means, interactive JupyterLab session, could be saved as a static notebook and included e.g. in technical documentation.

An example screenshot from a Sphinx-based documentation with nbsphinx below:

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