Lane in sub-process

Hello everybody

When I read through the OMG BPMN 2.0 specs, I get the impression, that lanes are not allowed in sub-processes. I told that to the developer of Yaoqiang.

He referred me to the following discussion.

The last sentence indicates that lanes should maybe be allowed. So he pointed me to page 202, table 10.48 in the OMG BPMN 2.0 Specs.

Now I think… yes a sub-process can contain a lane.

So what is it now ? Yes or no?

please help :slight_smile:

Sub-Processes may contain Lanes, as per spec and underlying XML schema. Not many modeling tools support that though.

Yaoqiang does, but the developer is disabeling the functionality, because there is no illustration in the specs of how this should look like.

Can you name another tool with lane support in a sub-process?

Nope, sorry. I’d guess it looks exactly like lanes inside a Participant/Pool though :wink:.

luckly he changed his mind today and will allows lanes :slight_smile: puuuhhh.