Licensing, Camunda 8, connectors, newbie

We are working on implementing some functionality here at work and looking forward to migrate a core part of our business to Camunda 8 (at the moment we have an external company supplying this functionality on other departments). But we’d like to start with a POC. My question is very simple:

Which license will allow me to create and run a bpmn model, with the Camunda 8 platform hosted online, but using connectors so that I can have the task workers talk to our internal systems?

Thanks in advance!

To build a PoC with Camunda’s SaaS version you just need to setup a trial account and you’ll be able to build, deploy and execution BPMN models as well as run any connectors you’d like.

You can also run Camunda 8 locally for your PoC without any additional licensing, the licencing only kicks in when you’re going into production. Hope that helps.

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Nice to know thanks. I actually went for a self-managed solution first, but got drowned on setting up a local environment with OpenShift, etc. I thought therefore that it would suit me better to use the SaaS version. My trial period ran out already, but I already requested an extension. Let’s see what happens =)

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