Linking a Call Activity to a subprocess doesn't show the connection to the subprocess


I am trying to “call” a sub process with a Call Activity in such a way that when I am in the engine and I click on Processes, chose my main process and go to “Called Process Definitions” of this main process, I can see the sub process there, on which I can click and am able to see. (I already created the main and sub processes, deployed them on the engine and started the process instance.

This is similar to the Tutorial’s “Invoice Receipt” main process, which calls the sub process “Review Invoice” in the way described above.

Attached my deployed processes (main & sub).
MainProcess.bpmn (3.4 KB)
SubProcess.bpmn (2.9 KB)
And a screenshot of what I mean when I say "I want to see the sub process under the “Called Process Definitions” in a clickable form:

My questions are:

  • it should theoretically work through calling the sub process ID within the Call Activity - it somehow does not
  • can I link in this way the main process with the sub process in the open source edition?
  • if yes, what am I doing wrongly? (I added clear IDs to the processes above mentioned, linked them as the ones in the tutorial are linked, etc.)

Hi @quetzi,

I see that you are using undefined tasks in both models which are not executable.
Please specify type for undefined tasks then try again (for example: User Task).