Hi Guys
I have modeled a simple BPMN process inside Camunda modeler and when I validate it using BPMN linter plugin it says Element has disallowed type bpmn:InclusiveGateway
This is my process : (all sequence flows are simple not expression or default)
I also have another question related to this topic and I will be appreciated if you answer it either
Do we have to use only expression sequence flows when we use Exclusive or Inclusive gateways?
I found this when I change the type of gateway in the process to exclusive :
I have seen thousands of BPMN diagrams that use simple sequence flows (not expression or default) even when they are connected to exclusive or inclusive gateways and it’s a little weird for me to use only expression or default flows for these kinds of gateways. Is this a recommended rule in the world of business processing or its just an advice from the Camunda team?
Thanks in advance
regarding the sequence flows, please note that you cannot successfully deploy a diagram to Camunda if a sequence flow outgoing from an exclusive gateway is neither default nor contains a condition. You will see an error like the following:
ENGINE-09005 Could not parse BPMN process. Errors:
* Exclusive Gateway 'Gateway_10rk2wy' has outgoing sequence flow 'Flow_1l5ljrg' without condition which is not the default flow. | resource diagram_1.bpmn
* Exclusive Gateway 'Gateway_10rk2wy' has outgoing sequence flow 'Flow_1tpdg74' without condition which is not the default flow. | resource diagram_1.bpmn [ deploy-error ]
So this rule is essential if you want to deploy and run your diagrams with Camunda.
To be honest, I cannot see a reason why inclusive gateway is banned in the recommended set of rules. It’s not explained in the docs as well. You can disable this rule via your custom plugin, though