At moment I’m not using LDAP so I need to load users and groups on startup.
Is there a way?
Thanks in advance, regards
At moment I’m not using LDAP so I need to load users and groups on startup.
Is there a way?
Thanks in advance, regards
Thanks for reply @yana.vasileva but how I can load Users and Groups at startup?
For example, if I want to load users and groups for Testing
How do I do that?
@antonior you could modify this plugin to add more users:
look at: camunda-administrative-user-plugin/AdministrativeUserPlugin.java at master · DigitalState/camunda-administrative-user-plugin · GitHub and camunda-administrative-user-plugin/AdministrativeUserPlugin.java at master · DigitalState/camunda-administrative-user-plugin · GitHub
Thanks for reply @StephenOTT
My goal is to load some Users/Groups with some resource authorization
Can be done this?
@antonior if you modify the code that i linked above, you can do that.
You will need to load your users (or code them into plugin) and then modify the Group creation and the resource auth sections.
Hi @StephenOTT I solved this useful generator class as suggested in this post https://forum.camunda.io/t/demodatagenerator-for-camunda-cockpit-at-startup/1469/3:
Best regards