Local variables from message correlation to start an event subprocess


I am just working on converting an existing flow from camunda 7 to 8 and having a few issues with variables in event subprocesses.

Previously in Camunda 7 in order to get the variables from the message correlation into the correct scope I would have added a execution listener onto the message start event as below
${execution.setVariableLocal(‘MESSAGE_IN’, MESSAGE_IN)}
We did this because we can have many messages coming in at once and so need the variable at the local scope for the event subprocess.

With camunda 8 I have not been able to get similar behaviour. The closest I got was adding an output on the message start event but that only seemed to give the variable on the start event and not the event subprocess level.

Is this possible to do?


Hi @matt, could you link an example BPMN diagram that I can use as a reproducer?


message_camunda7.bpmn (6.9 KB)

@jwulf I’ve created an example in camunda 7 as to what I am trying to achieve so that when a message is received the event subprocess will have the MESSAGE_IN variable at its local scope when set with the correlating of the message.
I just don’t know how to make this work in camunda 8.


I assume that you want to define a local variable in the scope of the event subprocess. As a result, a variable from the message should be in the scope of the event subprocess to avoid that it is overridden by the next message.

The variable propagation in Camunda Platform 8 works similar to Camunda Platform 7. To have a local variable of the event subprocess, add an input mapping to the event subprocess. It can be initialized with = null. For example, local variable name MESSAGE_IN with value = null. If a message is correlated then the value of the variable MESSAGE_IN is set in the scope of the event subprocess.

Does this help you?

Thanks @Philipp_Ossler , I think thats possibly the only thing I didn’t attempt, will try that out when I get back onto testing camunda 8 again
