MappingIO in Zeebe | How to define outputs and inputs?

Hi there everyone! I need to pass variables from a user task (containing a form) to a service task (where I am running a pyzeebe worker to interact with database) and I noticed I need to define outputs for my 1st task (which is the user task) and inputs for my 2nd task (which is my service task).
I have used the same name for both source and target in the output and input. But apparently the values of my form fields are not passed to the service task. What am I doing wrong?

Hi @okaeiz, welcome to the forums! Can you share screenshots of your input/output variable mappings for both tasks?

Hey there!
I was using pyzeebe library in Python to fetch the job variables. It seems like the problem is with the library itself. You can find the issues in their Github. Several people have reported this issue.
I tried writing the same worker in Go and it worked!
I have defined my output and input sources and targets just like the official documentation, the section on variables.
Thanks for the respond!

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