Mask passwords in operate

When I use the rest outbound connector and choose basic authentiaction, I need to add a username/password in the modeler. This password is visible in Camunda Operate when troubleshooting and checking the variables.

Is there a way to hide or mask these passwords in operate?

Hi @gevezex, if I’ve understood your problem correctly, you can use ‘secrets’ to mark sensitive information. Here are the links to the documentation:

So, it may look like:

@Oleksiivanov Thnx for this. Will this also mask the password when troubleshooting in camunda operate?

Camunda secrets are designed to avoid exposing sensitive information such as credentials. They are meant to be used with connectors and are not revealed/replaced to the process engine. Instead, a secret is meant to be used in the connector only, so secrets will not appear in operate. As they are replaced in the runtime only.

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