We discovered that there is a limit when we start a process through REST api for the length of a variable of type String.
I created a test project in github : https://github.com/ecornely/camunda-string-limit
When I try to start a process with more than 4000 character I have an very clear exception saying : Caused by: org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Value too long for column "TEXT VARCHAR(4000)"_
Is there any reason why it’s not a CLOB or TEXT column with no limit to reflect what java String type is ?
What would happen if I alter table to increase that limit ? are there other tables with the same limit that should be altered as well ?
I’ve read that it possible to send a file in a variable with Base64 but never tried, would you think of that as an alternative to have a huge variable ? If yes do you have examples ?