Meet-up Stuttgart.End2End Process monitoring through instrumentation with Camunda Optimize

Hi folks,

Camunda Chapters from Stuttgart, Nürnberg, and Munich have joined forces to bring you a joint virtual event this week: End2End Process monitoring through instrumentation with Camunda Optimize. @lwluc and Julian Weber will present this approach that enables more in-depth analysis, more precise monitoring, and the identification of critical problems and general weaknesses in the overall process. This can be done before, after, or during the process orchestrated by Camunda.

  • :calendar: January 25, 2023
  • :busts_in_silhouette: Organizers: @lwluc @tobiasschaefer , Holger Hagen
  • :round_pushpin:Online
  • :speech_balloon: Language: German
  • :studio_microphone: Luc Weinbrecht and Julian Weber

:eyes: Tagging some community members from the area: @eflaco @MarvinKern @ChrisS @Kuladeep_K @dominic.fischer @Darya_Tarasova @rohwerj

Bis bald!

:tickets: :point_down: