Migrating data from external source to Camunda

Hello everyone.

I need to migrate data from external source (data are stored in excel in specific format) to Camunda tables. Also, I have to skip some services, tasks and timers from actual BPMNs. I think it’s very hard to write migration script that import data in Camunda tables.

Does anyone have an manual or some advice where to start?
Thank you in advance.

Hi @hedza06,

I assume that you want to start your business process somewhere in the middle and create the process variables from a excel sheet.

If this is what you meant, you can have a look at Process Instance Modification: https://docs.camunda.org/manual/7.9/user-guide/process-engine/process-instance-modification/.

Here you can start the process before or after any activity and provide the process data as well.

Hope this helps, Ingo

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@Ingo_Richtsmeier that’s right. I will take a look.