Hi, I’m switching from using a shared engine to the embedded spring version and I have one question about the processes currently running.
I think migrating the database won’t be too complicated, but in all my running processes I have some delegates invocations in the form of “delegates.myCustomDelegate”. I also have a jar called delegates.jar in the tomcat lib folder which contains the proper class.
I guess now I have to change those “delegate.myCustomDelegate” for “${myCustomDelegateAsSpringBean}”, but what can I do for the processes currently running? I’m running my application in a tomcat with my jar but I get the following error when running a process with the old format for delegates:
“ENGINE-02008 Class ‘delegates.MyCustomDelegate’ doesn’t implement org.camunda.bpm.engine.delegate.ExecutionListener’ nor ‘org.camunda.bpm.engine.delegate.JavaDelegate’.”,
When I remove the jar, I get the exact same error.
Is there anyway to migrate those processes?