We are using Camunda Platform Engine 7 and it’s deployed K8s environment and running inside a POD. We are seeing a lot of performance issues with the camunda workflows that we have designed along with the scale of data we are supposed to process. We tried to increase the parallelism in camunda platform engine 7. However, there is not much luck and we started seeing a lot of OptimisticLockingException and which requires explicit handling for each of the service tasks that we have.
We found some articles where its mentioned that camunda platform engine 8 is designed to optimise the performance with more parallelism and it even avoids the OptimisticLockingException.
Could you please help us with the guidelines or any references that should be followed for migrating from Camunda engine platform 7 to Camunda engine platform 8.
Hi @jonathan.lukas - Thanks for the link. I have migrated the diagram using the solution provided. but I am facing issue with sub-process. even though the component is provided in camunda 8, using it throws below error. Can you please help with this.
A Subprocess must be expanded.
@jonathan.lukas - Yeah I am able to deploy the bpmn file with subprocess errors. so I think its not a blocker. hopefully team will be able to resolve the glitch and modeler doesnt show up this error. Thanks.
@jonathan.lukas - another issue is related to inclusive gateway. we have multiple incoming flows but we are able to see below error message. Can you help this resolve as its a blocker and we are not able to deploy the bpmn file. Please let me know if there is any alternative till we get this resolved.
“Currently the inclusive gateway can only have one incoming sequence flow”.
this is correct. Currently, only the forking inclusive gateway is supported. The joining inclusive gateway is rather complex and will be implemented in a future release.