Migration to Camunda roadmap

I have a monolith app. And now, I want to migrate my business logic layer to camunda, but I can’t find any roadmap that describes how to split a lot of business logic to atomic, single responsibility activities.

I’ve finished refactoring of current business logic. Now, I have the 3 blocks:

  1. preparingBusinessLogicContext;
  2. businessLogic ( it uses context like a business model);
  3. execution(preparing general parameters and send messages into another system).

The main question is “Is these 3 blocks enough to moving on bpmn or I need to decompose it more?”

Hi @anmir,

as the next step I would model the operative business process(es) from the users point of view. Ideally you would get a lot of service tasks and you have to map them to your business logic.

This should give you some hints for further refactoring or to split your business logic into domain specific packages.

Hope this helps, Ingo

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