Missing Dependency jar when deploy camunda 8


i found this project example and wanted to deploy it. (process-solution-migrated)

camunda-7-to-8-migration/example at main · camunda-community-hub/camunda-7-to-8-migration (github.com)

The pom comes with camunda 7 to 8 migriton adapter version 0.1.2-SNAPSHOT.
Initially this snapshot cannot be found because it is not on central maven as it is not release, OK.

In readme there is a hint to use the artifacts of camunda.,
So i adjusted the pom to do so,

As you see on the terminal it downloaded few files also the last statement says that he had downloaded 0.1.2-SNAPSHOT.jar
But then the error says it cannot found the snapshot under this URL.

What do i do wrong here?

Best regards

Hello @SebastianAT ,

thank you for bringing this up.

I am one of the maintainers of the project.

FYI: We will release a new version next week :blush::+1:


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Hi @SebastianAT,

the new release 0.2.1 is available on maven central, for example https://search.maven.org/remotecontent?filepath=org/camunda/community/migration/camunda-7-adapter/0.2.1/camunda-7-adapter-0.2.1.jar

It didn’t show up in searches for me, but hopefully it’s just a matter of indexing.

Hope this helps, Ingo


Thanks for that but unfortunately no so far.

Beste Regards

Hi @SebastianAT,

the artifact from your request (Maven Central Repository Search) is a pom file:


But you want to download a jar, which doesn’t exist.

Which artifact of the project do really need in your project?

Hope this helps, Ingo

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Hello @SebastianAT ,

I can find the artifacts under this link: Central Repository: org/camunda/community/migration/camunda-7-to-8-migration/0.2.1

I think I identified the problem: This artifact is not a jar file, but just the parent pom for the whole project.

You are probably looking for this: https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.camunda.community.migration/camunda-7-adapter/0.2.1

I hope this helps


Sry Ingo i don’t know which version or which dependency i need. I just found the github example on migration of camunda 7 to 8 and work with the predefined example but it doesn’t work.

I included also your idea but it again ends up in errors.

Hello @SebastianAT ,

which example are you referring to?


Both mentioned here:
camunda-7-to-8-migration/example at main · camunda-community-hub/camunda-7-to-8-migration (github.com)

Hello @SebastianAT ,

you caught us here. I am currently cleaning up the examples. After this PR is merged, they will work again.


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