Multi-Diagram plugin update to Camunda Modeler 5.0

Hi everyone! How are you?
I am updating all our plugins to the next Camunda Modeler version as described in the migration guide in the blog. Properties panel is not working and I disabled it, but I would like to share to everyone if you have some advice or suggestion!

Here it is

Not sure if the zip is still working, but if you clone the branch in the resources/plugins directory of your Camunda Modeler 5.0 instance, it works. I created an overlay in the right status bar to add/remove global subprocess diagrams on the current BPMN.

Please take a look :slight_smile:TestMultidiagram.bpmn (3.8 KB)



Thanks for sharing your progress regarding the migration of the multi-diagram plugin. I am interested how it will cooperate with the subprocess we implemented and added in 5.0.0-alpha.1. Have you tested this so far?

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Hi @barmac , sorry! Got late! Anyway you saw my issue on bpmn-js-examples :slight_smile: